HC Deb 06 April 1900 vol 81 c1396
CAPTAIN JESSEL (St. Pancras, S.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War, with regard to soldiers dying in South Africa in the course of the present campaign, who, if they had survived, would have been entitled to a medal, whether it is the custom of the War Office to forward such medals to the soldiers' next of kin; and whether this course of procedure will be adopted in the case of Volunteers and Colonial troops, and whether this custom is optional or is laid down in any of the Regulations for the Army.


Yes, Sir. The reply to both questions is in the affirmative. There are, however, considerable difficulties in tracing the relatives of colonial soldiers. The custom has always been followed, but has not hitherto been embodied in any Regulation. The new Queen's Regulations will contain directions on the subject.