HC Deb 05 April 1900 vol 81 c1266
MR. GRANT LAWSON (Yorkshire, N. R., Thirsk)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether there have been symptoms of foot and mouth disease amongst cattle recently imported from Argentina, and what steps have been taken to prevent the spread of the disease.


A cargo comprising some 240 cattle and 1,100 sheep was brought to the foreign animals wharf at Deptford from Argentina by the steamship "Ethelhilda" on Monday last, and on examination a large number of the cattle were found to be affected with foot and mouth disease. The animals were landed for immediate slaughter at a part of the wharf set aside for the purpose, and steps were taken for the disinfection of persons and things which had been in contact with the animals, and of the hides, skins, and offal, by which infection might be spread. An Order was also made prohibiting the importation of animals from the Argentine, in pursuance of our statutory obligations in that behalf.