HC Deb 23 October 1899 vol 77 cc505-6

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether he is aware that Patrick Dolan, county councillor, Stephen McGrail, district councillor, James Ragan, district councillor, and Joseph Gallagher, all of Drumkeerin, County Leitrim, were last month sentenced to an unlimited term of imprisonment for contempt of court; whether he is aware that the principal statements in the affidavits of Mr. Hewson, the Receiver, on which the orders for attachment for contempt were issued, have been contradicted on oath; whether he is aware that Mr. Hewson, the Receiver, has been unanimously condemned by the Leitrim County Council, of which he is a member, for making false statements in the affidavits on which the gentlemen named have been sentenced to unlimited terms of imprisonment; and will he, under the circumstances, give an opportunity in the present session for the discussion of the motion appearing on the Paper in reference to committals for contempt of court.


At the request of my right hon. friend I will reply to this question. The facts are as stated in the first paragraph. As to the second paragraph, I assume that the affidavits referred to, if made at all, were made in reply to Mr. Hewson's affidavit, and if so must have been considered by the court before it made the order. It is true that the County Council have passed a resolution condemnatory of Mr. Hewson. In answer to the last paragraph, I understand that my right hon. friend is not

prepared to give an opportunity in the present session for the discussion of the motion referred to.