HC Deb 04 May 1899 vol 70 cc1304-5
MR. DRAGE (Derby)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether reports have been received by the Indian Government from the British Agent at Ladak and Yarkand with regard to the-rapid decrease of the trade of British India with Russian Turkestan; whether those reports state that the trade is likely still further to decrease owing to the extension of the Russian railway to Andijan; and whether any suggestions are made in these reports which this, Government can adopt for the development of the trade of India with China, through Tibet, to make up for the loss thus sustained?


The Ladak trade returns for the latest year show a decrease in the trade of India with Chinese Turkestan, which the Assistant Resident in Ladak attributes to the duty levied in India upon hemp exported from Yarkand. The Resident in Kashmir thinks it possible that improved communications with Russian centres may cause further decline in the Indo-yarkand trade. The Government of India has been considering measures for improving trade between India and Tibet via Sikkim, and the Viceroy is in communication with the Imperial Commissioner of Tibetan affairs on the subject.