HC Deb 20 March 1899 vol 68 c1322
MR. BILL (Staffordshire, Leek)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether, having regard to the importance of a knowledge of Russian in the Indian Civil Service, he will cause that language to be added to the list as an optional subject for candidates in the open annual Civil Service competition?


The subjects in which the open competition for the Indian Civil Service is held are chosen with the view of testing the general ability of the candidates, and their proficiency in the studies which usually form part of the higher education of this country. The candidates thus selected have to pass a subsequent examination in languages and other subjects which are likely to be specially useful for work in India: and, if a knowledge of Russian were made an optional subject, it would have to be added at this stage, and an extra language so added would tend to oust some other language more generally useful. The honourable Member is probably aware that the study of Russian among Indian civilians is encouraged by the grant of special facilities and privileges.