HC Deb 02 March 1899 vol 67 c1051

"Graziers and Grabbers, stand aside!

"Knaves and Traitors, Faugh-a-Ballagh.

"Men of South Mayo, a Public Meeting will be held in Kilmaine on Sunday, 26th February, 1899, in furtherance of the above cause, and to put an end for ever to the cursed system of 11 months' letting of land as prevalent in our midst. Assemble in your thousands, and show by your united efforts you are determined to have Ireland for the Irish and the Land for the People. God bless our Cause."

These placards were not issued until late on Friday night. On the following day a detailed information was sworn by the District Inspector of Police to the effect that he believed the object of the meeting was to intimidate and unlawfully prevent certain persons from exercising their legal rights, namely, to bid for and become tenants of certain grass lands. Government, on the same day, gave directions that the meeting, as announced, should not be allowed to be held, and a proclamation, prohibiting the holding of the meeting, was signed by the resident magistrate on Saturday night, and posted up on Sunday morning. As I have shown, the placard calling the meeting was not issued until the last moment, and, consequently, it was not possible to give earlier intimation of the intention of Government to suppress it.