HC Deb 20 June 1899 vol 73 c62

I beg to ask the Financial Secretary to the War Office, with reference to the contract for supplies of provisions, etc., to the Cork Military District recently given to the Canteen and Mess Co-operative Society, Limited, whether he is aware that, in reply to a question upon a similar subject asked on 2nd April, 1895, the late Secretary of State for War expressed the opinion that the soundest system was to permit canteen committees to manage their own affairs in these matters, and said he should view with regret any change which might tend to alter the relations between the troops and the tradespeople in their neighbourhood; and whether, under these circumstances, the War Office will reconsider their decision and decline to sanction this new departure.


The hon. Member, in quoting the opinion of the late Secretary of State for War on the management of contracts for canteen supplies, has omitted to state that he at the sauce time expressed his complete satisfaction with the action taken by the General Officer Commanding the Cork District. As I stated to the hon Member yesterday, it is not proposed to interfere with his responsibility.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that on the occasion in question there was no such thing as a contract?


I was not aware of it. I do not know to what occasion the hon. Member refers.