§ MR. DALY (Monaghan, S.)I Leg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster-General, whether he is aware that the wages paid for delivering letters from Shercock to Killan and Northlands, County Cavan, is 1s. per week less than was paid to the present postman's predecessor; whether he is aware that the present postman, James Duffy, on the route stated, has neither cap, coat, nor cape from the Post Office authorities; and whether he will increase Duffy's wages by 1s. per week, and also furnish him with a coat and cap immediately?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Mr. R. W. HANBURY,) PrestonThe wages paid to the auxiliary postman working from Shercock to Killan 1432 and Northlands were 1s. above the scale payment for the amount of work done, and they were therefore marked to be reduced to scale when a vacancy occurred. By an unfortunate error the post was stated to be vacant on the 23rd November, and the reduction was therefore made from that date. As it now appears that James Duffy had been employed since June 1898, at the higher rate of wages, instructions have been given for that rate to be continued to him. Certain articles of clothing have not yet been supplied to this man, and instructions have been issued for this to be done at once, and inquiry made as to the reason for the delay.