HC Deb 10 February 1899 vol 66 cc514-5
MR. JOSEPH A. PEASE (Northumberland, Tyneside)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether, in June last, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Acting District Officer at Mombassa, signed an Order of the Court for three slaves, named Kazibeni, Kombo, and Mamekombo, who had been living at Roebe during the previous ten years, to return to their master, on the ground that Roebe was within the Sultan of Zanzibar's dominions, and that the slaves had no plea wherewith to claim their freedom; whether such restitution of slaves by a British subject and official of Her Majesty's Government has the sanction of Her Majesty's Government; and, whether steps will be taken to prevent British subjects in future restoring fugitive slaves to their masters?


The official Report which has been called for on this matter has not yet reached Her Majesty's Government, owing to the fact that the officer named has been transferred to an inland station. It is understood, however, from inquiries made locally, that the return of the slaves was pre-arranged between the masters and themselves, as they were starving at Ribe, where there was famine at the time. Instructions have been issued that British subjects should not assist in restoring fugitive slaves to their masters.


Is it not the fact that the slaves were under the protection of missionaries at the time they were taken into Court?

[No reply.]