HC Deb 03 August 1899 vol 75 cc1292-3
MR. TRITTON (Lambeth, Norwood)

On behalf of the hon. Member for the Peckham Division of Camberwell, I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the numerous accidents that have lately been caused by motor cars; and whether he will take steps to compel all drivers of motor cars to stop until horses and carriages have passed when requested to do so by the persons in charge of them.


No representations have been made to me as to numerous accidents caused by motor cars, and ample powers are given already under regulations made by the Local Government Board (Article IV., sub-section 8, of the Light Locomotives on Highways Order, 1896) to give effect to the object of the hon. Member. The article provides that every person shall, on the request of any police constable or of any person having charge of a restive horse, or on such constable or person putting up his hand as a signal for that purpose, cause the light locomotive to stop and to remain stationary so long as may be reasonably necessary.