HC Deb 03 August 1899 vol 75 c1293
MR. STEADMAN (Tower Hamlets, Stepney)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster-General, whether he is aware that Sorters White, Eastop, Woodbridge, Nicholls, North, Dyer, Davidson, and Kennedy, attached to the east central section General Post Office, have not received twenty-one days' annual leave although they have completed five years' service; and whether they are entitled to this period of leave under the Tweed-mouth scheme, seeing that two sorters attached to the east central section of exactly identical service with the first four mentioned have received it, and that with the exception of these two all the sorters granted leave in October, which carries with it a twenty-one days' leave without question, are juniors to the officers mentioned.


The eight sorters referred to had not completed five years' service when the period arrived which they had selected for annual leave. As regards the latter part of the question the hon. Member appears to be under a misapprehension. Leave in October does not carry with it "a twenty-one days' leave without question"; and no officer completing five years' service (say) in November would be granted twenty-one days' leave in October.