HC Deb 27 July 1898 vol 63 cc89-90

Resolution reported— That it is expedient to authorise the annual payment, out of the Consolidated Fund, during the continuance of the Agricultural Rates, Congested Districts and Burgh Land Tax Relief (Scotland) Act, 1896, of sums to the Local Taxation (Scotland) Account, equal to the dif- ference between the sums payable to that account, under section three of the said Act, and a sum equivalent to seven-sixteenths of the total amount certified by the Secretary for Scotland, as the amount to be taken as having been raised by rates by county councils and parish councils from the owners and occupiers of agricultural lands and heritages as defined in the said Act, during the year ended the 15th day of May, 1896; and also to make provision for the distribution and application of such sums—

  1. "(1) To the relief of the occupiers of Agricultural Lands and Heritages in Scotland;
  2. "(2) To an additional contribution to the Police Authorities in Scotland for the pay and clothing of the Police;
  3. "(3) To providing and maintaining vessels for the enforcement of the Scottish Sea Fishery Laws;
  4. "(4) For the purposes of secondary or technical (including agricultural) education in Scotland."

Resolution agreed to:—Bill ordered to be brought in by the Lord Advocate, Mr. Balfour, and Mr. Anstruther.

Bill,—"To make provision in regard to the distribution and application of further sums from time to time paid to the Local Taxation (Scotland) Account, presented accordingly, and read the first time; to be read a second time Tomorrow, and to be printed. [Bill 317.]