§ *THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. GRAHAM MURRAY, Buteshire)This Bill is purely a matter of domestic reform in the general administration of the Scottish criminal law. There used to be three offices filled by gentlemen who were called clerks of justiciary, and they performed the duties of the circuit clerks of justiciary. When a general arrangement was made, an Act was passed about 10 years ago, providing that, as the holders of these offices died, their places should not be filled up, and that the duties should be performed by the clerks of sessions. Since that time two of these gentlemen have died, but it has been found, however, that the clerks of session, who have had no experience of criminal practice, have not been able to perform the duties satisfactorily, and accordingly it has been suggested to Her Majesty's Government that it would be much better that the duties should be performed by the first and second assistant clerks of justiciary. This change could not be effected excepting by Statute, because the duty was imposed by Statute. Shortly, the Bill is simply to allow the work hitherto done by the existing clerks of sessions to be done by the two principal assistant clerks of justiciary for the time being.
§ *MR. GRAHAM MURRAYNo, not any.
Motion made and question put—
That the Bill be read a second time.
§ Read a second time, and committed for this day.