HC Deb 18 July 1898 vol 62 cc90-1
MR. S. EVANS (Glamorgan, Mid)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, will he explain why the quarter's salary, due on the 31st December, 1897, to the late sub-postmaster of Southerndown, has been withheld for over six months; and why the auxiliary postman attached to the same office has been doing duty since the 5th April, 1"97, to the 30th April, 1898, without making the usual declaration when accepting service under the Department; whether he is aware that the post office is at present inconveniently situate at the extreme end of the village; and that, before its removal to this position, a petition was sent from the inhabitants of Southern down to the Postmaster General praying that the new office should be placed in a central position; and what steps, if any, have been taken to carry out the wishes of the inhabitants at an early date?


The salary due to the late sub-postmaster of Southern down for the quarter ended 31st December, 1897, was withheld pending the final closing of the account between him and the Post Office, and through some oversight this item was subsequently not included in the settlement. The mistake is regretted, and the sub-postmaster has now received, payment of the amount due to him. The auxiliary postman referred to in the Question made the usual declaration on the 30th April last. His previous employment without having made the declaration appears to have been due to some neglect on the part of the local officials. The present sub-postmaster was appointed on condition that he provided a new office in a central position as soon as possible. The new office is being built, and it is expected that it will be ready for occupation in the course of a few weeks.