§ SIR THOMAS ESMONDEI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that the Great Southern and Western Railway of 1209 Ireland have offered to contribute half the cost of building a pier at Valencia, county Kerry, provided the Government find the other half; and if he will take steps to have the work carried out; and if he will have the pier at Dingle, county Kerry, extended, and piers built at Ventry and Drumquin, in that neighbourhood?
§ MR. GERALD BALFOURIt is understand that the Great Southern and Western Railway Company would assist in the erection of a pier at Valencia. The Government have already contributed £85,000 towards the construction of the railway to Valencia, and have also agreed to a contribution in aid of a baronial guarantee on the same railway in respect of a capital of £70,000. In allocating the moneys voted by Parliament under the Act of 1896 a sum was set apart, not only for the building of a pier at Ventry, but for the construction of a railway from Dingle to Ventry. The scheme, however, was objected to by persons locally interested, and was in consequence abandoned, and the money then available applied to other undertakings. There are no funds available for a pier at Valencia or Dingle. The proposal for the construction of a pier at Drumquin is under the consideration of the Congested Districts Board.