HC Deb 15 July 1898 vol 61 cc1209-10
MR. R. WALLACE (Edinburgh)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he is aware that certain members of the Edinburgh telegraph staff, who were recently punished for contravening the rules of the service in regard to betting, to the extent of having their increments stopped, and by reduction in their class, have been sent out on season substitute duty; and whether the staff have from time to time been informed that selection for such duty will be considered as a reward for good and efficient service; and, if so, why men of unimpeachable character and unquestionable skill as operators have not been selected?


Eleven members of the Edinburgh telegraph staff have been sent out on season relief duty this year, and of these three were concerned in betting transactions over two years ago. Since that time the character and conduct of these officers have been perfectly satisfactory in all respects, and they are fully qualified for the duties required of them. The authorities at Edinburgh considered that as the conduct of these officers had been perfectly satisfactory for more than two years, they would not be justified in allowing offences for which they had already been severely punished to deprive them of reward for the subsequent good and efficient service.

MR. W. ALLAN (Gateshead)

That is the answer to the second paragraph of the Question?


Yes, I think so.