HC Deb 03 August 1898 vol 15 cc1194-5
SIR F. DIXON-HARTLAND (Middlesex, Uxbridge)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether he has received and refused a request from the Hampton Local Board, made in accordance with Section 2 of "The Allotments Act, 1887," asking for a grant of a small portion of the enclosed laud in Bushey Park for allotments for working men; whether a similar request was granted by the late Government out of the Home Park at Hampton at the request of the Hampton Wick Local Board, and at the same price per acre as now offered by the Hampton Local Board; and what reason exists why the Hampton working men, of whom 40 signed the Petition to their Board, should be treated differently to those of Hampton Wick?


It is quite true that the late Government consented to let a field adjoining Hampton Court Park to the authorities of Hampton Wick for allotments; but they also on two occasions refused a similar application on behalf of the inhabitants of Teddington for the hire of land attached to Bushey Park, on the ground that it was wanted for the service of the Park. A like application was made some time ago by the authorities of Hampton, and, as the same objection applied, it was refused. At the same time, if the Hampton Authorities are unable to find laud elsewhere for the purpose, I will endeavour to see whether some other portion of the land attached to Bushey Park, not open to the public, can be spared for this object.