HC Deb 30 March 1897 vol 48 c117
MR. H. LABOUCHERE (Northampton)

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether it is a fact that the late Emperor of Russia had, on his death, large sums at the Bank of England, and that the Estate Duty was not paid on these moneys; and whether, in the case of Sovereigns having moneys in this country on death, no Estate Duty is paid on them; and, if so, could he explain to the House the grounds of such exemption?


The matter referred to has been fully explained to the Public Accounts Committee, who will, I presume, make a report upon it if they think fit. As it happened in the time of my predecessor, I think, if the hon. Member still finds it necessary to ask a Question on it in the meantime, he had better wait till the Member for West Monmouthshire returns to his place, which we all hope may be soon.