HC Deb 31 July 1897 vol 52 c44

(1.) The Lord Lieutenant may, for the purpose of the fusion and amalgamation of the Exchequer Division, or the Probate and Matrimonial Division with the Queen's Bench Division, or of the union and consolidation of the Court of Bankruptcy with the Supreme Court, by Order in Council, give such directions as may appear to him necessary and proper for carrying such fusion and amalgamation or union and consolidation into effect, and may by such Order make provision for any matters and things incidental thereto.

(2.) Any question that may arise in reference to the right of any Judge assigned by the Lord Lieutenant in pursuance of the foregoing provisions of this Act to appoint or remove any officer, shall, in case of difference of opinion, be decided by the Lord Chancellor.

(3.) Any such appointment or order of removal made by any such Judge shall be subject to the approval of the Lord Chief Justice; Provided that if any such appointment is not made and approved of within one month after the occurrence of the vacancy in the office, the Lord Chancellor may, if he thinks fit, make the appointment.


moved in Sub-section (1) to leave out all the words after "effect" to the end of the Sub-section.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 13,—

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