§ Nothing in this Act contained shall enable any local authority or other person to injuriously affect—
- (1.) The irrigation of lands in a rural district, or the supply of water used for such irrigation; 1352
- (2.) The supply of water required for the purposes of any waterworks established by or under the provisions of any Act of Parliament, or of the compensation water required to be given by the owners of such waterworks, unless the local authority shall have previously obtained the consent of such owners;
- (3.) The navigation on or use of any river, canal, dock, harbour, lock, reservoir, or basin in respect of which any persons are by virtue of any Act of Parliament entitled to take tolls or dues, or the supply of water to the same, or any bridges crossing the same, or any towing-path thereon:
§ Amendments made: After "shall" ["shall enable"] insert "prejudice or affect or shall."—(Lord Advocate).
At the end of Sub-section (3) insert: —
(4.) The purification of any river or stream in respect of which any persons are by virtue of any Act of Parliament authorised to exercise jurisdiction, or the rights, powers, jurisdictions, and authorities conferred by such Act.—(Sir Lewis M'Iver.)
§ Clause 187,—