HC Deb 26 July 1897 vol 51 c1077

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that a young lady, named O'Donnell, was killed by a tramcar in Dublin, on the 18th instant, and that evidence was given at the inquest that the fender was twelve inches off the ground after passing over Miss O'Donnell; and whether he will inquire if the Dublin tramcar fenders are according to the regulations imposed by the Bond of Trade, which provide that the fender should be only one and a half inches from the ground?


Yes, Sir, the Board of Trade received information of this sad accident. The evidence shows that the fender was twelve inches oft the ground after being prized up by poles to lift the car off the body. There was no evidence that it was not in a proper position before the accident. I have a letter from the Manager of the Tramway Company on the subject, which I shall be happy to show the hon. Member.