HC Deb 12 July 1897 vol 50 cc1590-1

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether the Governor of Bombay has confirmed the nomination of Ganguhdar Tilak, of Poona, editor of the Mahratta and Kesari journals of Poona, to the Legislative Council; and, whether lie is aware that Ganguhdar besides publishing attacks upon the British Authorities in his papers has himself made speeches inciting to rebellion; if so, whether the Government of propose to take any action in this matter?

MR. W. T. HOWELL (Denbigh Boroughs)

I beg to ask the Secretary State for India whether he is aware the Ganguhdar Tilak, whose election to the Legislative Council of Bombay is reported to be confirmed by Lord Sandhurst, was some years ago sentenced to a double term of imprisonment for being concerned in a conspiracy to defame a native statesman, Ras Bahdur W. Burvè, minister of tin important native state; and, whether the acceptance of this election to the Legislative Council by Lord Sandhurst was concurred in by his two colleagues, who, together with Lord Sandhurst constitute the Government of Bombay?


It is true that the nomination of Ganguhdar Tilak to the Legislative Council has been confirmed by the Governor of Bombay, in whom alone the right of confirming or rejecting is vested under die rules. Gatrguhdar Tilak was nominated in 1895 to the satin: position, and. he was again nominated in 1897. It is also true that Ganguhdar Tilak was some years ago sentenced to imprisonment, that he is the editor of two newspapers, and that he has recently made the speech alluded to; but the question whether the articles which have appeared in those newspapers are seditious, and whether that speech contained an incitement to rebellion is a matter of law, as to which the Government of Bombay has not at present arrived at any final opinion.


Does the noble Lord propose to take any action in regard to this nomination?


I certainly think it would be premature to express an opinion at present.


asked by whom this gentleman was nominated.


said he believed he was nominated by the Central Municipal Authority of Bombay.