HC Deb 22 February 1897 vol 46 cc862-3
MR. H. KIMBER (Wandsworth)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether the personal clerks employed in the offices of the Official Receivers in Bankruptcy and Companies (Winding-up), the temporary architect, assistant surveyors, draughtsmen, and accountant clerks in the Director of Works and Works Loan Departments of the Admiralty, the legal assistants now employed in the several solicitors' departments of the Civil Service in lieu of permanent clerks formerly employed, and referred to by the right hon. Gentleman in his Reply to a Question addressed to him on 12th May last, are respectively employed temporarily in respect of possessing technical or professional qualifications; and, if so, why they are not included in the Return, No. 359, presented on 11th August last; and whether the said Return includes all persons employed temporarily in the Civil Service in respect of possessing technical or professional qualifications whose salaries are payable out of an annual lump sum allowance made to the head of the department; and, if not, whether he will agree to furnish a Supplementary Return which shall include all such persons?


The persons mentioned as being employed in the Admiralty are employed by the day, and were therefore expressly excluded from the Return. The others are employed and paid by heads of departments out of lump sums granted to them, and are not employed, temporarily or otherwise, in the Civil Service. They are, therefore, also properly excluded from the Return.