HC Deb 05 February 1897 vol 45 c1426

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he can state whether the Board of National Education have yet decided to erect a new school at Letter-gullen, County Longford, in response to an appeal made for increased school accommodation in 1895; whether he is aware that, in consequence of the bad roads and the poverty of the district, numbers of children are at present unable to obtain instruction except that imparted at a, night school, and that 94 families are affected by this want; and, if he will request the Board of Education to make a grant for the school in the usual way?


The case of the school to which this question refers was very fully explained by me in answer to a Question put by the hon. Member on the 12th June last. There is no evidence that a new school is required in the locality, four vested school houses having been already established there, with building grants from the Commissioners, and the distances of these schools varies from two-and-a-half to three miles only.