HC Deb 02 February 1897 vol 45 c1053

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether information has reached him that some Christian peasants returning to their villages were attacked near the gate of Canea by an armed band of Mahomedans on the evening of the 26th ultimo, several of them maltreated or wounded, and their mules and baggage taken from them; that great excitement prevails in Canea, and all the shops have been closed; and that some Christians were wounded outside the gates of Heraklion on the 27th ultimo; and whether any representations have been addressed by the representations of the Powers to the Vali of Crete or to the Government of the Porte respecting these alleged attacks upon the persons and properties of Christian subjects?


We have not heard of the particular incident at Canea mentioned in the Question. Put during the past few weeks there have been frequent alarms in the towns, owing to the immigration of Mussulmans from the country districts, and there have been murders, both of Christians and Mussulmans. The foreign ships of war have produced a calming effect by their presence at the ports, and movement to the threatened quarters. The Turkish authorities appear to be doing their utmost to maintain order and restore confidence, and the foreign Consuls are in close communication with them. The continuance of peace depends largely upon the organisation of the new gendarmerie which is being rapidly proceeded with.