HC Deb 05 May 1896 vol 40 c552
MR. L. P. HAYDEN (Roscommon, S.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, would he state in what countries the offence of high treason does not involve a capital sentence?


I am afraid that we have not the information in the Foreign Office to enable me to answer the question. ["Hear, hear," and laughter.]


I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, in what instances a conviction for high treason in the British Empire has not been followed by a capital sentence?


I have no material at my command which will enable me to give the hon. Member the large amount of information that he asks for. The last two executions for high treason in Great Britain were, I believe, those of Cundell and Smith in 1812, and of the Cato Street conspirators in 1820. I may add that the Statute 11 Vict., cap. 12, instituted the new crime of treason-felony punishable by penal servitude for life, and in effect mitigated the death penalty in many cases of treason. ["Hear, hear!"]