HC Deb 05 May 1896 vol 40 c544
SIR SAMUEL MONTAGU (Tower Hamlets, Whitechapel)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board, whether he has been requested by the Hanwell District School for additional dormitory accommodation; whether he has noticed the recommendation of the Poor Law Schools Committee that no more large schools be built, that the existing schools be not enlarged, and that the numbers for which they are at present certified be considerably reduced; if it is the intention of the Local Government to sanction the plans of the Mile End Guardians for building a pauper school on the grouped cottage system or village community plan; and, whether he is aware that the Poor Law Schools Committee recommend that where practicable not more than two cottages be established in close proximity, and that any additional provision needed be supplied by boarding out, cottage homes, and isolated homes, similar to those established at Sheffield, or by utilising certified homes?


The Local Government Board have received an application from the Managers of the Central London District School at Hanwell for sanction to the provision of additional dormitory accommodation. The Board on the 1st April informed the Managers that they considered that the question of the provision of additional accommodation must be deferred until the report of the Poor Law Schools Committee had been issued, and had been considered by the Managers and the Board. With respect to the Hamlet of Mile End the Board informed the Guardians in December 1893, that they were prepared to approve of the purchase of land at North Weald as a site for new schools, and an order was subsequently issued authorising the purchase. Under these circumstances, if the Guardians desire to erect schools on this land on the "grouped cottage" system, I should not feel justified in withholding sanction to their so doing.