HC Deb 01 May 1896 vol 40 cc340-1
MR. J. P. FARRELL (Cavan, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether he is aware that in 1894–5 the Government, in order to relieve distress in a congested area, undertook to construct a public road in the electoral divisions of Ben back and Templeport, County Cavan, but abandoned the work, leaving the intended road in an incomplete and dangerous condition; that an application was subsequently made to the Presentment Sessions for the barony of Tullyhaw by the Government for the cesspayers to present the road for completion, the Government only offering £50, for which sum the county surveyor has been unable to get contractors to do the work. And, whether, in view of the fact that a considerable number of landlords and farmers gave the land to make this road free of cost, the Government will now order its completion in accordance with the original intention.


The construction of the road referred to was undertaken in the spring of last year as a means of relieving the distress reported to exist in this district. In December the County Surveyor stated the road had been formed, fenced, and hand-paved, and he estimated that the cost of surface-metalling required to complete the work would amount to £50. He made application for this sum at Presentment Sessions which was refused, but a resolution was passed asking Government for a grant of £50, and pledging the county to put the same under contract if that sum were provided. Government authorized the County Surveyor to expend a sum of £50 accordingly, but he subsequently reported his inability to have the work carried out before the end of the financial year, and it became necessary, therefore, to surrender this unexpended sum to the Treasury. Having regard to the usefulness of the road, to the large amount of public money already expended upon it, and to the fact that the offer of the sum of £50 was made early in January, I cannot pledge the Government to give any further assistance in the matter.


I will call attention to the subject in the Estimates.