HC Deb 20 March 1896 vol 38 cc1473-4

said, he wished to ask the First Lord of the Treasury as to the business for Monday. Considering the probability that the Debate on Egypt would occupy the whole of that evening, would not the right hon. Gentleman put down the Report of the Vote on Account the first Order on Monday, in accordance with what he believed to be a usual practice.

MR. J. A. PEASE (Northumberland, Tyneside)

asked, whether the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs would have an opportunity of making a statement in reference to the slave trade policy of the Government, in the event of the Vote on Account being passed without that opportunity being afforded.


I recognise that the right hon. Gentleman and the hon. Gentleman who followed him have a perfect right to claim that some time should be given, either in Committee or on Report, for the discussion of subjects other than the comparatively restricted one of Egypt. I gave a pledge to the House that the first Order on Monday would be the Diseases of Animals Bill, and I understand that it would be inconvenient to certain Members who are interested in that Bill if there was a change in the plans of the Government. But I understand that the Bill ought not to take very long. I will consult with those who give me advice in these matters whether I can meet the wishes of hon. Gentlemen, so that if we do not finish the discussion on this Vote of Account to-night it might be taken as the second Order on Monday, and that if anything is left over after that it may be taken on Report.