HC Deb 08 June 1896 vol 41 c608

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, whether, in view of the doubtful prospect of passing the Military Manœuvres Bill, it is the intention of the Government to hold any military manœuvres on an extended scale this season?


I greatly regret to say that the delay in passing the Manœuvres Bill will necessitate the abandonment for the present year of manœuvres on an extended scale—similar to those held 24 years ago—which the military authorities have pressed on the Government as essential for the proper training of the Army. If the proposals which have been repeatedly made to the Opposition respecting the Bill are still rejected, the Commander-in-Chief will be asked to consider whether any portion of the money voted by Parliament can be usefully expended in exercising the troops.

* SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucester, Forest of Dean)

asked whether, if the Bill did not pass in time for this year, an effort would be made to pass it before the close of the Session with a view to next year?


Yes, Sir, if it is impossible to obtain accommodation now, I shall certainly press the Bill later in the Session, seeing that the difficulties to which we are exposed in the training of the troops have been removed in every other country in Europe. [Cheers.]