§ MR. M. M. BHOWNAGGREE (Bethnal Green, N.E.)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the charge of treasonable correspondence, on which Pastor Khamis, the aged Nestorian Minister, is now kept as a prisoner in Dizza, was based simply on a letter addressed by him to his son in England, asking for pecuniary help towards his maintenance; and, whether it is proposed to take any steps to procure the pastor's release?
§ SIR CHARLES HALL (Finsbury, Holborn)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, is the Foreign Office aware that, in the case of Pastor Khamis, the aged Nestorian Minister, now prisoner in Dizza, the charge of treasonable correspondence against him was based, it is alleged, on a letter sent by him to his son in England, asking for pecuniary help towards his (the father's) maintenance; and, will the Foreign Secretary consent to make further inquiry?
*MR. GIBSON BOWLESreferring to the words "it is alleged" in the second Question, asked the Speaker if it was in order for an hon. Member to embody in 1630 a question an allegation without making himself responsible for it, or to put the allegation in question upon the shoulder of some person not named?
§ MR. SPEAKERThe Question begins properly enough by asking whether "the Foreign Office was aware," etc., the hon. Member thus taking the responsibility of the truth of what he has stated, but the words "it is alleged" are certainly irregular, and ought not to stand in the Question.
MR. CURZONPastor Khamis was arrested for sending a letter containing accusations against the Turkish Government. There was also found in his possession a diary full of compromising statements. As I have previously stated in reply to a Question in this House, Her Majesty's Vice-Consul at Van has reported that the case is not one in which, in his opinion, Her Majesty's Government ought to interfere.