HC Deb 18 February 1896 vol 37 cc555-6
MR. A. CROSS (Glasgow, Camlachie)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the recent action of the North Eastern Railway Company in issuing a new reduced equitable mileage scale of rates on their railways, applicable to the transport of the grain produced by famers and of the fertilisers and feeding stuffs required by farmers, in fiveton lots; and, whether, in view of the expected stimulus thus given to traffic, evidenced already by the rise in the price of the shares of the North Eastern Company, he will use the influence of his Department to suggest a similar course to other Railway Companies, especially to the Scotch Railway Companies?


I have observed with satisfaction that the North Eastern Railway Company is taking action with regard to Agricultural rates. As the hon. Member is no doubt aware, this important subject has been engaging my personal attention. I have been in communication with the Chairmen, of the principal companies having termini in London. These negotiations, which I hope may lead to a favourable result, are still going on, and I can assure my hon. friend that I shall lose no opportunity of pressing the necessity for action.


asked the right hon. gentleman if he would be good enough to direct that similar representations be made to the Irish railway companies?


said that at present he was only in communication with the Chairmen of the companies having ter- mini in London. He was desirous that the negotiations should be still more advanced before taking further steps, but still, in any further steps, the Irish Government would not be behindhand.