HC Deb 14 February 1896 vol 37 c343
MR. HERBERT ROBERTS (Denbighshire, W.)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board, whether he is aware that it is a practice at parish meetings in many rural districts to take official note of the ratepayers voting by show of hands; whether he is aware that complaints are made against this course, and that it is alleged that the writing of the names of those voting leads to intimidation; and whether, in view of the silence of the Local Government Act, 1894, upon this point, he will express his views as to the intention of its provisions relating to the proceedings of the parish meetings?


My attention has not been drawn to complaints in regard to the taking of names at a show of hands at parish meetings, or to allegations that the noting of names for the purpose of recording the votes leads to intimidation. It is expressly provided by the Statute in the case of a parish council that the names of those voting on each question on which a Division is taken should be recorded, so as to show whether each vote given was for or against the question, and I cannot say that I think there is any contravention of the Act in adopting a like course in the case of a parish meeting where the number of parochial electors present is but small.