HC Deb 28 April 1896 vol 40 c15
MR. THOMAS BAYLEY (Derbyshire, Chesterfield)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, whether the Amir of Afghanistan has any right to control the action of the Government of India in offering an asylum to fugitive Kafirs in Chitral; whether the Amir is prepared to allow an unmolested exodus, not only to fugitive Kafirs from the Bashgal Valley which borders on Chitral, but also to emigrant Kafirs from other parts of Kafiristan into British territory generally; and, whether the surviving Kafirs from the present Afghan campaigns, or any future campaigns, will be protected in the enjoyment of their personal liberty, their lands and other property, and the exercise of their religious and social usages, as was implied in the right hon. Gentleman's recent statements?


So long as the Amir's Kafir subjects who seek an asylum in Chitral do not violate the usual conditions attached to their reception by the British Government which is in alliance with the Amir, no such right can be claimed. The other Questions asked by the hon. Member concern the Amir's internal policy and the exercise of his authority in his own territories, and I am unable to state or to anticipate what policy His Highness will pursue.