§ MR. J. CUMMING MACDONA (Southwark, Rotherhithe)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty, whether he is aware that a telegram was received in Liverpool on Saturday last, 11th instant, to the effect that a large derelict scarcely showing itself is this evening reported 15 miles south-west Fastnet, in the direct line of route of Atlantic liners between Liverpool and the United States; and, whether, seeing that there are now three of Her Majesty's ships lying in Queenstown Harbour and Her Majesty's Flying Squadron at present in Berehaven, the Admiralty will telegraph instructions to have immediate search made for this dangerous derelict, whose exact position can be easily ascertained, and have it destroyed, thus affording Her Majesty's Navy a practical opportunity of gaining experience in the use of explosives and naval artillery, and at the same time rendering service to the mercantile marine?
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY (Mr. G. J. GOSCHEN,) St. George's, Hanover SquareThe only intimation received by the Admiralty of a floating object in this locality is a report in the Shipping Gazette that "some wreckage" was seen on the 7th instant near the position named. It is impossible to say where it may be now, but it is very likely ashore on the southwest coast of Ireland. The Admiralty have only sent vessels to search when from several definite reports it is apparent that a derelict vessel of considerable size is remaining in the track of trade, but in this case these conditions are not present.