HC Deb 02 September 1895 vol 36 c1440

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate, whether he is aware that fishermen cannot use the recently constructed boat-slip at Melvaig, on the western mainland of Ross-shire; who is responsible for the work, and if the engineer of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (Public Works and Communications) Office, exercised any control over this work; and, whether steps will be taken to provide an efficient boat-slip?

* THE LORD ADVOCATE (Sir CHARLES PEARSON,) Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities

The County Clerk of Ross and Cromarty informs me that he has received no complaints from fishermen that they cannot use the recently constructed beat-slip at Melvaig, and that, as a matter of fact, the fisher men do use it regularly in moderate weather. No complaints have been received by the Secretary for Scotland and his engineer visited the work only last week, and saw fishermen using it. I am assured that the slip as constructed is a serviceable one. The work has been carried out according to an approved plan prepared by an engineer appointed by the County Council, the engineer to the Secretary for Scotland exercising the usual control in seeing that the Contractor carried out the work according to specification.