HC Deb 02 May 1895 vol 33 cc280-1
MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that three local justices refused an Occasional Licence for the Route Hunt Races, held near Coleraine, on Easter Monday; and that, although the stewards of the races advertised that they would not allow intoxicating liquors to be sold on the ground, and in spite of the desire of those in charge of the races and the local justices, a single magistrate granted the licence, the drink being sold on the roadside; and if he will undertake to introduce amending legislation under which the sanction of the justices at petty sessions will be required before such licences are issued?


The question, I am informed, sets forth the facts with accuracy. The hon. Gentleman is correct in assuming that amending legislation would be necessary to take away from a single magistrate, acting out of sessions, the power of granting an Occasional Licence, which, I confess, I think a very proper and desirable change in law. But in the present state of public business I cannot undertake to introduce such legislation.


asked whether the right lion. Gentleman would support such a Bill if introduced by him?


I should like to see the Bill first.