HC Deb 25 March 1895 vol 32 c36
MR. W. ALLAN (Gateshead)

I beg to ask the Civil Lord of the Admiralty how many troopships have been sold during the last two years; and whether it is the intention of the Admiralty to dispose of the rest of these vessels?


Three of the Indian troopships have been sold by the Indian Government. One of the Indian troopships was bought by the Admiralty, and may be shortly utilised as a powder hulk. None of the Imperial troopships have been sold, two (Tyne and Wye) are still running. The Himalaya will be fitted as a coal-hulk. The Tamar is shortly proceeding to Hong Kong to be fitted as a receiving hulk. The Assistance may be shortly required as a powder hulk. The Malabar, Indian troopship, is still running.