HC Deb 28 February 1895 vol 31 cc46-7
MR. D. SHEEHY (Galway, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that in the Return (No. 300) showing the amounts received by the county and borough treasurers in Ireland from the clerks of the peace in respect of the sale of copies of the registers of voters and supplemental lists, no receipts appear to have been credited for the years noted in the Return for the counties of Westmeath, Cork, and Gal-way, and the boroughs of Cork and Galway; whether it is the practice of the clerks of the peace in these constituencies to charge for copies as required by statute; and could he explain why the amounts have not been placed to the credit of the county and borough treasurers respectively; whether he can state if in any of these cases any moneys have been credited since the passing of the Act requiring the same to be done in 1850; and how it has happened that the responsible Auditors of the Local Government Board, who audit the Grand Jury accounts twice a-year, have not called attention to the matter; whether he is also aware that in the Return no sum appears anywhere audited under the heading of "Fines" for bogus claims and objections, although it is notorious that these are made in thousands annually; and, who is to blame for the neglect?


I regret to be obliged to ask my hon. Friend to again defer this question. Some inquiries are still pending, and if he will repeat the question on Monday, I hope then to be in a position to reply.