HC Deb 26 August 1895 vol 36 cc799-800
MR. BRYN ROBERTS (Carnarvonshire, Eifion)

I have been asked to postpone this question, but I beg to give notice that I shall move the Adjournment of the House if it is not answered to-morrow. To ask the Secretary to the Treasury, if he could state to the House what is the total number and acreage of the Crown mountain holdings in Llandwrog, Carnarvonshire, which have been sold to the tenants; what is the total number and acreage of such holdings which have been re-purchased for quarrying purposes; what is the total sum for which they were sold and for which they were re-purchased; what is the total number and acreage of all such holdings which have been enclosed and reclaimed by the tenants or their predecessors in title; and what is the total of the rentals which the tenants are now required to pay?


This question originally covered the whole of Carnarvonshire, and I was informed that it was quite possible to get the information in less time than a week. The hon. Member has now altered his question so as to apply to one village, where, I am told, most of the Crown mountain holdings in Carnarvonshire are situated. I cannot, however, promise to answer the question by to-morrow.


I beg to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether the information has not been given to a great extent by Mr. Southey in his evidence before the Welsh Land Commission?


Any information that can be got at the Office at once, I will answer to-morrow; but there are certain details which certainly cannot be answered by then.