§ SIR C. J. PEARSON (Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities)asked whether it was the intention of the Government to introduce the Scotch 940 Local Government Bill this evening; and, if so, whether the Chancellor of the Exchequer would arrange for the termination of the Debate on the Irish Land Bill at a reasonable time, say 11 o'clock, in order that an opportunity might be given for some discussion of the Scotch Bill?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERfeared that what the right hon. Member proposed could not be done that evening, because notice of such an arrangement as he desired ought to be given. Many hon. Members had probably made their arrangements in the belief that the discussion of the Land Bill would be continued to the usual hour. The Government were very anxious to introduce the Scotch Bill, and he would see what arrangements could be made for that purpose on another night.
§ MR. J. H. C. HOZIER (Lanarkshire, S.)asked how much time the Government had devoted to Scotch business during the present Session?
§ [No answer was given.]