HC Deb 02 April 1895 vol 32 c724

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether an inspector from the Congested Districts Board has visited the congested districts of Beihey, Keeldoa, and Cattan, in South Leitrim; whether he has recommended any remunerative works to be undertaken there; whether he can state what is the total amount expended by the Congested Districts Board in South Leitrim; and whether, as the people in the above districts are in a great state of destitution, and many obliged to seek outdoor relief, he can recommend the immediate starting of relief works?


, answering in the absence of Mr. J. MORLEY: An inspector has recently visited the districts referred to in the first paragraph, and has made to the Congested Districts Board a report which, like all such documents, are regarded as confidential. It will, however, be considered by the Board as soon as possible. Some bulls and swine have been sent to South Leitrim, and a poultry farm has also been established there. No other expenditure has been incurred up to the present in respect of this portion of South Leitrim. The Local Government Board inform me that their inspector will proceed to-morrow to the districts in question and report upon the condition of the people there.