HC Deb 28 May 1894 vol 24 cc1407-8

I beg to ask the Postmaster General if he has any information whether Postal Orders Nos. 477,618 and 477,619, for £1 each, and Postal Order No. 985,651, for 4s., have been cashed; if so, where, and by whom; whether he is aware that one of the two first-named and the last Postal Orders were posted upon the 30th of March last to Mrs. Morris, 8, Victoria Road, Brentwood, at the Head Office, Head Street, Colchester, and have not yet arrived at their destination; whether, under these circum-stances, the Post Office will undertake either to refund the money or to issue fresh Orders; and whether, when, as in this case, the name of the payee is not inserted, but the number of the Order is known, the Department undertakes to trace or to stop the payment of the missing Order; and why, if so, as the Department was duly advised in this case, that reasonable course for the protection of theft was not followed?


I appeal to the hon. and gallant Member and other Members when they desire information on matters merely affecting the detail work of the Department which do not raise questions of principle to apply by letter to me, and so save the time of the House. As to this particular case, I am unable to trace any correspondence with regard to it. If the hon. Member will be good enough to furnish me with the particulars in writing I will cause further inquiry to be made.