HC Deb 28 May 1894 vol 24 c1408
MR. SCHWANN (Manchester, N.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the attention of the Secretary of State has been specially called to the Registration Section of the Administration Report for 1892 of Mr. P. Arunachalam, the Acting Registrar General of Lands in Ceylon in which the grave and imperative need for a registration of land titles in the Colony is shown; whether the plan set forth by the Acting Registrar General has been reported upon by the Governor of Ceylon, and a draft Ordinance for putting it into force has been submitted to the Secretary of State; whether, in the forthcoming Session of the Ceylon Legislative Council, an Ordinance will be presented to carry out the object contemplated in 1863, when Ordinance No. 8 of that year was passed for the interim registration of deeds; and whether, in view of the social and political evils which centre round the land in Ceylon, and the disputes concerning it, the Secretary of State will take such steps as shall insure this important question early attention, with a view to the necessary legislation being undertaken?


The question will be referred to the Governor for consideration and report.