HC Deb 07 May 1894 vol 24 c466

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the statement made in the Report of the Medical Officers of Health for Ross-shire as to the want of proper sanitary arrangements on board steamboats in the Highlands of Scotland; and whether steps will be taken to compel the owners of passenger steamers to keep their vessels in a sanitary condition?


I have communicated with the principal officers of the Board of Trade on the East and West Coasts of Scotland, and am told that no complaints in regard to sanitary arrangements on board Highland steamers have been made to them. I have also obtained through the courtesy of the County Clerk the Report referred to by the hon. Member, and the only reference to the subject I can find is— Another matter requiring attention and improvement is the condition of the sanitary arrangements on board steamboats. If any definite complaints are made to the Board of Trade they shall be at once attended to.


I shall take an early opportunity of bringing this matter under the notice of the right hon. Gentleman.