HC Deb 04 May 1894 vol 24 c373
SIR F. S. POWELL (Wigan)

I beg-to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education when the New Code relating to evening schools, which was presented on the 29th of March, became law; and when such New Code will be printed and circulated, so that those who are responsible for the management of evening schools may know the conditions required to be fulfilled by these schools in order to obtain the annual Parliamentary grant?

MR. A. H. SMITH (Christchurch)

At the same time, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman when the Evening School Code will be in the hands of Members; and whether any change will be made in the mode of payment of teachers in order to avoid the possible hardship of a teacher being engaged in tuition for as much as 23 hours and receiving payment for only 12 hours?


In reply to this question, and to the one which stands further down on the Paper in the name of the hon. Member for Christchurch, I propose to lay the new Minute of the Committee of Council on Education, establishing the new Evening School Code, on the Table to-day, and it will be issued thereupon as soon as it can be printed. Members will thus have it in their hands before Whitsuntide, and will have full opportunity of discussing it after the House reassembles. This Minute will supersede the Code which was laid on the Table on the 29th of March, and will provide that, in future, the Evening School Code shall be presented to Parliament before the 1st of May in each year.


Then the Code laid on the Table on the 29th of March has not become law?


Yes, so far as it is a reproduction of the old Code.