MR. GARVILL (Newry)I beg to ask the Postmaster General if he has received communications from the Town Commissioners of Newry, and from the Chamber of Commerce as well as from the Trades Council of that borough, protesting against the proposed alterations in the Newry Post Office as unsuitable and utterly inadequate; and if, under the circumstances, be will further consider whether the intended alterations cannot be carried out in a manner more consistent with the universal feeling of the town; and will he state the amount of the proposed outlay, and what additional sum would be required if be were to adopt the suggestions submitted to him by the Local Bodies?
§ MR. A. MORLEYCommunications have been received from the Local Bodies mentioned asking that the contemplated alterations in the Post Office at Newry may be extended by lowering the floor of the public office so as to admit of the removal of the four steps which now lead up from the street level. This alteration, which would involve a special expenditure of at least £220, besides interfering with the basement, and also with the Postmaster's residence to some extent, is not considered to be necessary, and I am not prepared to recommend the Lords of the Treasury to sanction the expense.