HC Deb 01 March 1894 vol 21 cc1140-1
MR. STANLEY LEIGHTON (Shropshire, Oswestry)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the Census Returns, in which it is reported that the instruction as to language issued by the Commissioners was either misunderstood or set at naught by a large number of Welshmen; that, though children under two years were excluded from the language tables, nevertheless in one parish 59 and in another 87 babies were returned as monoglot Welsh; that there are good grounds for regarding with much suspicion the trustworthiness of the statements as to persons of riper years; and whether, considering the importance attached to the subject, and the opinion of the Commissioners that the number of monoglot Welsh persons is considerably overstated, he will cause a fresh inquiry to be made, and take steps for the punishment both of those who have wilfully made false Returns, and of those who, by persuading the people to falsify the Returns, have become accessory to the violation of the Statute?


I am aware of the observations contained in the Report on the Census of 1891 with respect to the subject referred to in the question; but I have no power to direct a fresh inquiry to be made as to the number of persons speaking Welsh. The Registrar General informs me that he has no evidence of persons having wilfully and knowingly made false Returns in Wales, and even if evidence wore forthcoming the time within which proceedings could be taken under the Census Act,. 1891, against persons for wilfully making false Returns has long since expired.

SIR G. OSBORNE MORGAN (Denbighshire, E.)

May I ask whether there is not good ground for believing or suspecting that the objections raised by the hon. Member for Oswestry to the Welsh Census Returns apply equally to persons therein returned as English monoglots? Will the right hon. Gentleman take care that any inquiry he may direct will cover these cases?

MR. LLOYD-GEORGE (Carnarvon, &c.)

also asked a question on the subject.


promised to give his attention to the points raised by the hon. Members.