HC Deb 11 June 1894 vol 25 c813

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the power of the application of the Articles of the Brussels Act, referring to the prevention of the importation of arms and gunpowder, is limited to the Possessions and Protectorates of the Powers signatory to that Act; and what power Her Majesty's Government will have to enforce the said Articles, or to establish a system of licences for and registration of arms in the case of foreigners resident in such parts of British East Africa as will not be included in the Protectorates of Uganda or of Zanzibar, e.g., Usoga, Kavirondo, Kikuya, &c.?


It is in the powers of parties to the Brussels Act to prevent the traffic in arms and ammunition in territories over which they may be able to exercise control through the native chiefs, though such territories may not he their possessions or protectorates, and also by their advice to the native chiefs to establish in their territories a system of licences and regulations. This power can be applied to the territories contemplated in the question.