§ SIR R. TEMPLE (Surrey, Kingston)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether it is line that the troopship Malabar has met with more than one mishap in her recent voyage through the Mediterranean; whether her engines have failed more than once, thereby preventing her reaching Bombay in due time; whether some similar defects have become apparent in other troopships, the Crocodile and the Serapis; and whether he can assure the House that the vessels engaged in this military transport to the East are maintained in a state of naval efficiency?
SIR U. KAY-SHUTTLEWORTHThe four Indian troopships are undoubtedly approaching the end of their term after 26 years' very efficient service. The fracture of the crank shaft of the 550 Malabar has caused her to be twice delayed at Malta. She sailed yesterday for Bombay. Machinery defects have also occurred in the Serapis this season. The Crocodile is about to be paid off after a serious breakdown near Aden. The Admiralty propose that the Serapis and Euphrates shall be withdrawn from service at the end of the present season, but maintained in an efficient condition till then, and the Malabar for some time longer.
§ SIR R. TEMPLEWill fresh ships be appointed in their place?
SIR U. KAY-SHUTTLEWORTHI have already stated in a, Debate in the House that communications have been passing between the India Office and the Admiralty on the subject, and that the Report of a Departmental Committee is now under the consideration of the Government of India.
SIR U. KAY-SHUTTLEWORTHI just now stated she was about to be paid off. It is not proposed to keep her in the Service.